Order for Clearance of Mandalay Hill for 12th March 1945
This order was prepared by the Headquarters, 98th Indian Infantry Brigade for operations to complete the clearance of Mandalay Hill.[1] The order was issued on 11th March 1945 for the operation carried out the next day. Two companies – ‘C’ and ‘D’ – of the 2nd Royal Berkshire Regiment were to clear the remaining Japanese defenders from the southern portion of the hill. The order sets out the supporting units attached to the infantry. It is thought that the air strike mentioned in the order was not allowed by the Commander, 19th Indian Infantry Division, Major-General Rees, as he feared the destruction that would be wrought upon the religious and cultural buildings on the hill.
98 IND INF BDE O.O. NO. 13
INFM 1. (a) Enemy and own tps – see current summary. (b) Topography – Flat roofed building 609692 known as “ABLE”. PAGODA 609690 known as “BAKER”. PAGODA 608686 known as “CHARLIE”.
INTENTION 2. Det 2 R Berks (two rifle coys) will continue ops on MANDALAY HILL with a view to occupying the centre and southern portion of that feature.
METHOD 3. Tps – Two coys 2 R Berks under Major TWIDLE. 4. Op will be carried out in two phases. Phase I – Capture of Flat roofed building at 609692 and PAGODA 609690 Phase II - Exploitation to Southern limit of hill feature 609683. 5. Support. (a) Air strike on ABLE & BAKER at time between 1100 hrs and 1200 hrs. (b) Med Arty (i) Plan if air strike demand accepted:- On completion of air strike two med guns will fire on each ABLE and BAKER until ordered by inf comd. (ii) Plan if air strike demand rejected:- 0900 – 1000 hrs two guns firing on each ABLE and BAKER as required by comds concerned. (c) Fd Arty (i) 115 Fd Regt will sp ops during Phase II. (ii) On capture of BAKER, CHARLIE will be engaged as required by Coy Comds concerned. (d) A Tk (mtr role) (e) MMG (i) B Coy 11 Sikh less one pl – under comd for both phases and will engage tgts on western slopes of hill. (ii) Pl now at Bde HQ comes under comd Major TWIDLE w.e.f. 0700 hrs 12 Mar. (iii) B Coy 11 Sikh less one pl will revert Bde Comd on capture of BAKER. (f) FOOs – as already allotted. 6. Indication of tgts for air strike Mtrs under comd Major TWIDLE will be prepared indicate tgts with 3 in mtr smk, if so required by VCP. 7. Timing – H hr (a) will be time at which first bomb bursts, if air strike accepted OR (b) 1000 hrs if air strike demand rejected. 8. During operation 4/4 G.R. will maintain present posns in area SE of MANDALAY HILL. 8 F.F.R. will maintain present stop line from incl Pagoda 602687 – incl S&M lines.
ADM 9. Med (a) Lt sec ADS will be est at Bde HQ area by 0900 hrs (b) Car post will be est as required at foot of MANDALAY HILL. INTERCOMN 10. (a) Line from Bde HQ to HQ Det 2 R Berks. (b) 48 set net Bde – det 2 R Berks remains open.
Time of signature 2300 hrs [signed] Major
17 July 2018