The Burma Campaign

The Indian Army in Burma

The campaign in Burma ended with the greatest defeat on land suffered by Japan in her history.   The chief instrument of that defeat was the Indian Army.  Largely officered by Britons but manned by representatives of every race from pre-partition India, the Indian Army had a unique character and in 1945 achieved its finest hour, setting many proud traditions for the current Indian and Pakistani armies.

Anti-Aircraft Artillery

8th Indian Heavy Antiaircraft Battery, Indian Artillery

Anti-Aircraft/Anti-Tank Artillery

Indian Anti-Aircraft/Anti-Tank Regiments

1st Anti-Aircraft/Anti-Tank Regiment, I.A.

2nd Anti-Aircraft/Anti-Tank Regiment, I.A.

7th Anti-Aircraft/Anti-Tank Regiment, I.A.

Anti-Tank Artillery

5th (Mahratta) Anti-Tank Regiment, I.A.

15th (Punjab) Anti-Tank Regiment, I.A.