Mandalay Hill - Memorials and Battle Damage
Simon Jervis, a well known contributor to the WW2Talk forum under the name of "High Wood", visited Myanmar in 1986 and took a number of photographs amongst the 'pagodas' on top of Mandalay Hill. He found at least three memorials and evidence of surviving battle damage dating to the capture of the hill in March 1945. Several of the photographs from this series are displayed below.
Thank you to Simon for generously allowing the photographs to be displayed on this web site.

A view looking south along Mandalay Hill. The photograph shows the structures fought over by the 2nd Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment in March 1945. The photograph was taken from 'Big Pagoda'; with 'Second Pagoda' in the foreground; the flat-roofed 'Pavilion' in the middle distance; the domed building furthest from the camera is 'Football Pagoda'. Beyond the hill can be seen the northern (right middle) and eastern parts of the moat surrounding Fort Dufferin.
Simon Jervis Collection

A plaque put up by the 19th Indian Infantry Division recording a donation of Rs500 towards the repairs of the ironwork on Mandalay Hill.
Simon Jervis Collection

A plaque commemorating the capture of Mandalay Hill by the 4th Battalion, 4th Gurkha Rifles on the night and early morning of 8th/9th March 1945.
Simon Jervis Collection

Commemoration plaque below the 'Pavilion', dedicated to the actions of the 2nd Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment in the fighting for and eventual clearance of Mandalay Hill, 10th-12th March 1945.
Since this photograph was taken in 1986, the plaque has been renovated. Photographs of the renovated plaque may be seen at a website dedicated to the 2nd Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment.
Simon Jervis Collection

Battle damage to one of the girders supporting the roof forming part of the covered walkways on Mandalay Hill.
Simon Jervis Collection

The view west towards the Irrawaddy River as seen from the 'Big Pagoda' on top of Mandalay Hill. To the left, in the middle distance, can be seen the northern edge of the golf course which now occupies the site of the racecourse. In the centre foreground is the wooded area with many small 'pagodas' cleared by 'B' Company, 4th Battalion, 4th Gurkha Rifles on the afternoon of 10th March 1945. In the right, middle distance of the photograph can be seen the village of Obo. 'Pimple Hill' is to the right, just off the edge of the photograph.
Simon Jervis Collection
2 December 2018